Post by Xiulin on Nov 4, 2009 18:49:35 GMT -5
I understand that there are lots of people who like to use colors in their posts. So, to help out those people looking for colors - and the people reading those posts - here is a list of colors that are friendly to all available skins.
These came from a list of all the colors for proboards.
indianred lightcoral maroon darkred tomato salmon darksalmon rosybrown lightsalmon coral chocolate sandybrown peru darkorange orange darkgoldenrod goldenrod darkkhaki olive olivedrab yellowgreen darkseagreen mediumseagreen mediumaquamarine cadetblue slategray cornflowerblue slateblue mediumslateblue mediumpurple hotpink palevioletred
--- darkgray gray black
If you don't agree with my choices or have ideas for additions, PM me. I am always glad to make changes to the list.